活動細則 (2022年12月22日更新)
- 2022年活動需要使用「香港水足印定向」流動應用程式,隊伍的其中一名成員需要在活動前下載程式,並且註冊及登入。
- 本活動有一定體力要求,隊員必須具強健體魄。如患有任何心臟病、呼吸系統疾病 (如哮喘等)、脊骨損傷等,請先行向醫生諮詢有關身體狀況是否適合參與,以確保安全。
- 18歲以下的參加者必須獲得家長或監護人同意,方可參加活動。
- 2022年活動將以手機遊蹤形式進行,提供三條遊蹤路線供隊伍遊玩。參加者可自選遊玩時間 (沒有時限) 及同行親友 (1-4名隊員),走訪遊蹤路線的檢查點並進行任務。
- 隊伍須注意部分路線的檢查站有特定開放時間、惡劣天氣下的特別安排及疫情下的特定措施。
- 為支持環保及珍惜水資源,活動期間隊伍應盡力避免任何破壞環境及浪費水資源的行為,作為參與活動之承擔。
- 部分路線於郊外及涉及山路,參加者於起步前應做足熱身運動、帶備充足的水,並須為活動期間的自身及他人安全承擔所有責任。
- 為保障健康,參加者應與他人保持社交距離,及在體力容許下戴上口罩。
- 參加者應以公平、誠實、友善的態度參與活動,並尊重其他參加者、大會人員,以及活動範圍中的市民。
- 隊伍須自行保管財物,大會不會承擔任何參加者的財物損失。
- 遊玩時所顯示的計分及計時僅作隊伍參考,活動沒有競賽成份。
- 如本網站的中、英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,應以中文版本為準。
- 如有任何爭議時,大會將保留一切最終決定權。
Rules and Regulations (Updated 22 Dec 2022)
Before the Game
- The 2022 game requires one team member to download, register and log in to the "Water Race APP".
- Participants should be in good health. Please consult your doctor before enrollment if one has any illness such as heart disease, respiratory system disease (e.g. asthma) or bone injury, etc.
- Parent or Guardian’s agreement is required for team members aged below 18.
During the Game
- The 2022 game will be held as a city hunting event using a mobile phone APP. Three city hunting routes will be provided; participants shall visit the checkpoints of the routes and complete the tasks. Participants could select any route, playing time (no time limit) and team members freely (1-4 members).
- Teams are reminded that some checkpoints of the routes have designated opening hours, measures for pandemic prevention, and arrangement under severe weather.
- In supporting environment protection and water conservation, participants should try their best to avoid any harmful or wasteful behavior to the environment and water during the event.
- Some routes are in countryside and involves mountain tracks. Participants are strongly encouraged to do warm-up exercises, bring enough amount of water, and take full responsibility of their own and others' safety during the game.
- To prevent health risk, please practice social distancing with others, and wear a mask if your physical strength allows.
- Participants should take a fair, honest and friendly attitude, and show respects towards other participants, staff members and other people in the game area.
- Teams are reminded to be aware of personal belongings, and run at their own risk of loss.
After the Race
- When playing, the scores and time count are just for reference only; the event is not a competition.
- If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the Chinese and
English version of the website, the Chinese version shall prevail.
- The Organizer reserves the rights of final decision on the arrangement of the race.